Audiophile website screenshot


Audiophile is a fictional ecommerce site for headphones that is one of the challenges provided by Frontend Mentor. It does not have a backend, but it does keep track of the users purchases in the cart locally. It also features a full checkout system that is validated with Formik and Yup.

Built With

  • React
  • TypeScript
  • React Router
  • Framer Motion
  • Styled Components
  • Cypress
  • Jest Testing Library

What I Learned

Framer Motion

I learned how to use Framer Motion to animate page transitions and the modal. Framer motion makes it very easy to animate pages based on when they mount and unmount. Essentially, the initial state for the page begins offscreen to the left and transitions in the correct position on mount. Before the next page transitions it waits for the old page to transition to its exit state before begininning its enter state. For the modal, I just animated it coming in from afar giving the illusion that it is coming at you.


I utilized context for this project in order to prevent prop drilling. I had global state, the shopping cart, which some components needed to add/remove items. Instead of having to pass the state and the updater function through intermediary components, the components that needed the state or update function could just use it.


For testing, I used Cypress and Jest Testing Library. I used Jest Testing Library for unit testing, in this case it was the incrementing/decrementing items before you add them to the cart. I just tested that the user could not decrement to a number smaller to 1 and clicking the increment button increased the item amount by 1. For Cypress, I did more integration test on the checkout form and cart functionality. For the cart, I tried to simulate a process that a user would take and assert that the app reflected the correct state. For example, if a user adds an item to the cart, and then opens the cart, it should display the item the user just added.
